Wrap up of the 2009 Yonex Australian Open Grand Prix finals

freelance writing PR Public Relations writing for websites

Yesterday I had a ringside seat at the finals of the 2009 Yonex Australian Open Grand Prix.  It was a great afternoon’s entertainment with some fantastic badminton action and a win for the Aussies (always a bonus) in the Women’s Doubles. 

I had my writers hat on and was there to compile match reports for publication on the Badminton Australia website.  This was my first time as an “official” sports writer and I had to really concentrate on the game, noting trends in play, looking out for spectacular shots or rallies, as well as keeping up with the score.  It was hard work as I couldn’t sit back, relax and soak up the atmosphere like the capacity crowd who were crammed in to the MSAC sports hall. 

The staff at Badminton Victoria did a great job organising the tournament.  Yonex signed up as the main sponsor 5 weeks prior to the event so the team had alot to do in a very short time.  You’d be surprised how much work is put into planning and organising a sporting event, even one such as this which is at the opposite end of the scale to the Australian Open in tennis.  

With so much work involved in staging the event in such a short timeframe, any PR and publicity milked for the event was a bonus.  But what was done did the trick and tickets sold out for the semi-finals and finals.  Next year’s tournament is scheduled to take place in April so with the luxury of time, it should prove to be a bigger hit than this year’s.  To view the match reports, click here

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