Boost your SEO – add a footer to your website

Copywriting SEO writing for websites

Have you considered putting a footer at the bottom of your website?

The footer is an important piece of real estate which many website owners don’t take advantage of. Instead they use it as space to dump all the boring stuff, you know, the disclaimer, copyright info, who designed the site, who wrote the copy, etc, etc.

There are a number of reasons why you should include a footer on your website…

1. It boosts your SEO…

It is another opportunity to include content on your site and allows you to include keywords which link to other pages on your site. This helps improve your SERP (Search Engine Page Ranking) because when a search engine spider crawls your website, it will see your keyword linked to a page, and that page will be ranked for that keyword. Be careful of keyword stuffing – only include the main keywords you want to rank high for.

2. It engages your visitors and increases the time they spend on your site…

You could say that a footer is one last try at engaging your users and keeping them on your site before they leave. Including a sitemap or header menu is an attempt at getting visitors to link somewhere on your site and stay longer.

3. It makes it easy for visitors to navigate your website…

Scrolling down a long page can mean that when visitors get to the bottom they either hit the back bottom or open a new tab. A footer gives them a reason not to do this and makes it easy for them to navigate around your site and see what else you have on offer.

4. It enhances your web design…

Some large websites with a substantial sitemap can use the footer as an opportunity to make it a design feature in its own right. If you do this, make sure the design is clean, concise and readable. If you have alot of links in your footer, place them in such a way that they don’t confuse your visitors. Consider dividing them into categories to make them uncluttered.

5. It allows you to include your social media plugins and other contact details…

Even though you may have links to your Facebook and Twitter pages in your header, why not include them in your footer too, along with your contact details (telephone number, address and email).

When visitors get to the bottom of your website, what do they see? Give them reasons to stay – consider including a footer. It doesn’t have to be fancy – it can just be a copy of your header menu or something more elaborate. Do whatever suits your target audience… and your budget!

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