Blogs and Article Marketing – powerful tools to drive web traffic
article marketing freelance writing writing for websites
Sometimes when I research topics to include in my blog, I get a bit stuck for ideas. It can be hard finding something new to write each week and there are days when I just can’t get inspired. But the one good thing about putting lots of hard work into researching and writing blogs is that they have the potential to turn into articles, both of which are great for driving traffic to your website.
I’m quite new to the article marketing game and recently have been doing lots of web searches to find out more. I did a google search on article marketing in the UK and came across a site called There are lots of article marketing directories out there, including ezine which I’ve used before, but submitYOURarticle’s weblog on creative article marketing has some really useful tips which I thought I’d share with you.
Blogs and article marketing have special benefits when used together because you can leverage content for your article from blog posts. I’ve written posts on various marcoms topics and recently submitted an article on one of these topics to ezine. The blog content is still unique and so is the article because I’ve only used the blog as an outline.
Article marketing helps drive more traffic to your site by building links to your blog and getting more widespread exposure. It’s therefore a great tool to market your blog and hence your website as both blogs and article marketing campaigns complement each other. Together, they are a powerful tool that can produce great results with not that much more effort.
Steve Smith from Creative Article Marketing has some useful ideas on How to Turn a Blog Post into a Free Reprint Article which you can read here.