Marketing Communications Budgets – making a little go a long way

Marketing PR Public Relations writing for websites

As the end of the 2008-09 financial year approaches, marketing spend is being scrutinized and justifications made on what the marcoms budget should be for the next financial year. Badminton Australia (BA) is about to go through its budget process and is facing some tough decisions on how much it should spend on communications activity.  As a not-for-profit organisation, BA is reliant on government funding – any significant…

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Tips on writing a successful newsletter

newsletter PR Writing Tips

My PR training has taught me that before writing a newsletter, whether it is for employees or paid subscribers, it is important that it has a purpose and that you are clear on who you are writing for.  A successful newsletter must meet an unmet need in a distinctive way, be distributed so that it gets into the hands of…

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Public Relations: a personal reflection

PR Public Relations

I studied Public Relations as part of my Masters degree and absolutely loved it.  It was the combination of strategic planning and tactical output that attracted me most to the profession; the ability to set goals and find creative ways to achieve them.  One of the key things I learnt is the importance of research in Public Relations and the…

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