How good copy editing can turn a brochure around

Copyediting direct mail Editing Writing Tips

I recently received a request from a lady who is a teacher at a Chinese Language & Culture Training (CLCT) business to copy edit a a brochure she had written to promote her chinese language and culture training courses.  

Chinese is her first language and even though her English is very good, she needed help to improve the brochure’s content and include more selling messages which would appeal to her target market – corporate companies and business owners, to encourage them to use her services.

The expression “lost in translation” came to mind when I started this project.  Even though the brochure wasn’t literally translated from Chinese to English, it was obvious looking at the “before” version that it had not been written by someone who spoke English as their first language. 

When promoting yourself to the English speaking corporate market, creating the right first impression is important.  If your brochure doesn’t convey a professional looking business because it contains poorly written content, that could immediately eliminate any chance of success.

I hope that the revised brochure helps my client generate interest in her training courses because there is a very clear niche for her services.  Anyone doing business with China should learn at least basic Chinese, partly out of respect and also because it will help you establish great relationships and build trust, key success factors when doing business with the Chinese.

To view “before” and “after” versions of the CLCT brochure, visit the clients page.

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