How to write a Public Relations Plan in 30 minutes

PR Public Relations Public Relations Planning

Write a public relations plan in 30 minutes? How is that possible, I hear you cry!Public Relations

Ok, 30 minutes may seem a little ambitious to the new kid off the block but writing a public relations plan in this time IS achievable. All it takes is practice and experience.

The plan comprises of five steps which are listed below. These steps provide a simple but useful framework to planning and controlling the production of single (or small groups of) tactical devices that are used to communicate with your target audience and persuade them to take some sort of action.

‘Tactical’ devices are the means by which messages are delivered to your target audience, which can be anything from a newsletter to a postcard, media release or even an open day.

I’ve provided examples underneath each step to give you an idea of what sort of information to include.

Step 1: Analyse the situation and define the problems and opportunities you face

For example, a new gym and fitness centre that opened two months ago wants to offer pilates classes during off peaks times to provide an additional source of income when the centre is not being used.

Step 2: Set objectives and describe how you intend to measure whether or not these objectives have been reached

One objective could be to raise awareness of the availability of pilates classes to the local community which can be measured by the number of enquiries that are received or bookings that are made

Step 3: Define your target publics

Your target publics, or audience could be stay at home mums or newly retired people looking for a regular low impact exercise class that is close to home

Step 4: Devise a persuasive strategy concept and key messages

Your persuasive strategy concept could be “our pilates classes are offered in a safe, comfortable environment close to home which offer effective exercise routines that build strength, increase flexibility and help improve your health and wellbeing”.

Key messages could be:-  “take time out for your health and improve your strength and flexibility at our local pilates classes”….”we offer three classes per week during off peak times and have special rates for seniors”….”all classes are run by a qualified instructor”

Step 5: Determine tactics to carry out your key messages and their timing

The best tactics to deliver your key messages could be to create a flyer that is delivered to homes in the local area encouraging people to call or visit a website to register an enquiry or make a booking. Another tactic could be to doorknock people at home and talk about the benefits of pilates and gauge interest directly. Or the gym could have an open day that is promoted by a leaflet drop to local homes and signage that is erected outside the gym.

As you can see, the ’30-minute’ public relations plan is a very practical device for the workplace and is great for all businesses, big and small.

It is a useful planning tool for those that are new at public relations and particularly helpful if you are expected to produce lots of written work quickly.  It takes a while to learn the five-step plan and obviously the first few plans will take longer than 30 minutes.  But once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to quickly produce concise planning documents which control the writing of tactical devices of all sorts, not just the one you are focused on producing.

If you’d like more information on writing and implementing a public relations plan, simply provide your details on the Contact page and I’ll be in touch. In the meantime, happy planning!

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