How web videos improve your search ranking
SEO Uncategorized writing for websites
I was recently approached by a video advertising company looking for SEO copywriters for their website products. The company produces high quality video advertising products that are personalised for their clients in any country, language or culture. What they do is not rocket science as online videos have been around for some time (YouTube is the most well known video sharing website). But I was curious to know more about the benefits of web videos and how having one on a website helps to improve the site’s page ranking.
Here are a few benefits of web video:-
- it offers a great experience to the visitor as audio and video is much more appealing than just plain text
- visitors (and therefore potential clients) get to see and hear you and therefore become familiar with you and your products and services
- it educates the visitor on how your product or service can help them by showing how it works, which ultimately helps them make a buying decision
- online video helps keep your site “sticky”, bringing customers back time and time again and encouraging repeat business
- sets you apart from the competition
- it’s more compelling and engaging
Embedding video on your site that is hosted at YouTube provides a double benefit. A well structured site with great content which surrounds the video implies relevance to the video and the relevance helps Google decide what is or isn’t important.
Hosting the video at YouTube also allows the search engines to listen to the audio and gather more information. It’s possible to have both the video at YouTube and the content page on your site displayed in the same search results. This tells searchers that your content is probably what they are looking for.
Since the YouTube explosion, video has become a powerful tool for driving traffic to websites. When a video goes viral, the link to the video spreads and as it is passed, backlinks are created and your site referral goes up.
Google and other search engines like video content because it adds quality, quantity and freshness to a website. By adding great content and having a well structured website, video enhances SEO of the website helping to increase traffic to the site and improve search rankings.
Remember to choose a great title for your video that is keyword optimised as this helps Google with ranking your site.