Is it time you reviewed your website?

websites general

The Purple Chameleon Communications website is approaching its first anniversary. 

Over the last year, the number of visitors to the site each month has been steady and I’ve been happy with the way things have gone.  However, there is always room for improvement and I knew in the back of my mind that I could do more with it.  I just needed to work out what to do and feel confident that any changes I make will generate more enquiries and bring in more business.

Yesterday, I spent one of the most productive hours of the last few months with an expert who shows people how to harness the power of the internet in your business.  Wendy Moore from Savvy Web Women did a review of my website and gave me a bunch of very useful tips on how to improve it that will help to generate more traffic and increase my database.

Here are a few of the useful tips Wendy gave me:-

  • Include links to social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, assuming you’ve already set yourself up on them.  These are great opportunities to promote yourself to a huge network of people and you never know where they will lead.  I received some work recently from a lady I worked with many years ago in the UK who found me on Facebook.
  • If you do a regular blog, use the content to create articles for submission to article writing sites, or social media sites like Facebook.  This will generate backlinks to your website and increase traffic
  • Have a dedicated page for testimonials.  Include a photo of the person giving the testimonial, provide a link to their website and if possible a video of what they have to say about you.
  • Where you have links to other websites, make sure they open in a new window so that visitors don’t navigate away from your site

You’ll see more enhancements to my website soon as I work my way through the “to do” list Wendy gave me.  In the meantime, why not sign up to Purple Chameleon News?  If you have any questions, please send me an email.

Find me on the Purple Chameleon Facebook page , or follow me on Twitter

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