My Health Nurse – Purple Chameleon’s latest client

PR Public Relations

I’m very excited to be doing some PR work for My Health Nurse – Victoria’s first private nurse led community health clinic.  Jodi Campbell, Registered Nurse, Div 1 is the visionary behind My Health Nurse and Jodi will be opening the doors of her new clinic in Boronia, Victoria on Thursday 15 October.

Jodi spent months creating a vision for patient focused health care and hopes to get client referrals from busy GPs and under-resourced hospitals.  Jodi’s approach is unique and she plans to open My Health Nurse clinics across Victoria, particularly in rural areas where her services will be of great benefit to the local community.

Jodi originally approached me to do some copywriting but after we talked a bit more about what she wanted to achieve, it became clear that a PR plan was the way to go, and it’s worked really well. 

I used my template for the 30 Minute PR Plan which first time around with a new client takes much longer than 30 minutes (when you’ve done it a few times for one organisation, it does get quicker..) and the key messages were simply lifted from the Plan and inserted into the tactical devices, which in this case was a brochure, flyer and press release.  I wrote some measurable objectives for Jodi to evaluate the success of her PR campaign and will follow up on this over the coming weeks and months.

I’m looking forward to the “official” opening of My Health Nurse next week, which will be performed by Mr Jason Wood, MP and Federal Member for La Trobe.  Jodi deserves all the success in the world with My Health Nurse and I hope that I’ve made some contribution to help her on her way…

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